For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13 (niv)
Babies and mothers were built for birth. There was no accident in their creation. Babies fit perfectly within their mother’s wombs and when allowed to birth free from restrictions, they also fit through mom’s pelvis and bottoms. Every part of pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum are provided to the mother and her baby for a reason. When we honor this time of growth, maturity and adaptation, we are rewarded with a miracle.
In the Birth Free Childbirth Education classes, you will discover ways to honor your body and your baby through pregnancy and beyond. You will discover why it is to your advantage to honor it and you will discover the strength within that will carry you into parenthood with confidence.
In the Birth Free Childbirth Education classes, you will discover ways to honor your body and your baby through pregnancy and beyond. You will discover why it is to your advantage to honor it and you will discover the strength within that will carry you into parenthood with confidence.
Jennifer Davis . Labor For Love Birth Services . [email protected] . 320-493-5110