Class 11 . Creating Your Birth Plan
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Benjamin Franklin once said "failing to plan is planning to fail". Now using the words "fail" in regard to birth is not necessarily the best of words, but I hope the message is clear. When you take the time to learn all you can learn prior to a big event, an important event, a life changing event, you are planning. With birth you can not plan, to: A, go into labor on such-and-such day. B, have a particular gender. C, dictate the length of the labor process, and yet by learning all you can learn ahead of time, taking that knowledge to your care provider and discussing your options, you discover the realm of possibilities as you move closer and closer to the day of your baby's birth. You should never refer to a birth as a failure, but there is failure to take responsibility for your birth, there is failure to communicate your desires with your care providers there is even failure to prepare yourself for the changes in store for you. Thankfully educating yourself prior to your birth is planning for success!
Nutrition . Fats, Salts and Water
Exercise . Dancing
Relaxation . Breathing together and opposite
Homework . Birth Plan
Nutrition . Fats, Salts and Water
Exercise . Dancing
Relaxation . Breathing together and opposite
Homework . Birth Plan