TIP Tuesday!
Featuring NingXia Nitro
on Tuesday 6.3.14
I am going on a little different direction this week and focusing on one of Young Livings top new products. It's like the healthy version of a Monster drink ;-)
Popular ways people have felt their health improve after adding NingXia Red to their diet include:
TIP 1: At roughly $2-3 a can for an energy drink that you pick up while on the road from a gas station...you could spend the same amount for a NXN tube, get the "pick-me-up" you need to carry on with your day, but not suffer all the nasty junk that is packed into those cans!
TIP 2: If you are a gym rat, or your kids are hard core athletes, NingXia Nitro is a great way to get more out of your workout AND recover faster!
TIP 3: If you are a student and need to get your studying done, start by putting a drop of cedarwood on the pad of your right thumb and then drink a tube of NXN. There are fun testimonials about how much they have helped students study with a much clearer head!
TIP 4: If your mind is just foggy and not thinking straight, NXN can help make things come into better focus.
TIP 5: As you prepare to work out after a long hard day at work, you may find yourself fighting the urge to "call-in-sick" to the gym. DON'T DO IT!! Put a drop of peppermint on the back of your neck and a drop in your water bottle. Then drink a tube of NXN and you'll be glad you didn't "phone it in" ;-)
* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel "hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or coconut oil.
All information for education use only. I can not treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the Essential Oil desk Reference.
To order your bottles of NingXia Red,
contact Jennifer Davis, Young Living Independent Distributor, Member # 1119180
320.493.5110 . [email protected] . www.laborforlove.com
To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!
Featuring NingXia Nitro
on Tuesday 6.3.14
I am going on a little different direction this week and focusing on one of Young Livings top new products. It's like the healthy version of a Monster drink ;-)
Popular ways people have felt their health improve after adding NingXia Red to their diet include:
TIP 1: At roughly $2-3 a can for an energy drink that you pick up while on the road from a gas station...you could spend the same amount for a NXN tube, get the "pick-me-up" you need to carry on with your day, but not suffer all the nasty junk that is packed into those cans!
TIP 2: If you are a gym rat, or your kids are hard core athletes, NingXia Nitro is a great way to get more out of your workout AND recover faster!
TIP 3: If you are a student and need to get your studying done, start by putting a drop of cedarwood on the pad of your right thumb and then drink a tube of NXN. There are fun testimonials about how much they have helped students study with a much clearer head!
TIP 4: If your mind is just foggy and not thinking straight, NXN can help make things come into better focus.
TIP 5: As you prepare to work out after a long hard day at work, you may find yourself fighting the urge to "call-in-sick" to the gym. DON'T DO IT!! Put a drop of peppermint on the back of your neck and a drop in your water bottle. Then drink a tube of NXN and you'll be glad you didn't "phone it in" ;-)
* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel "hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or coconut oil.
All information for education use only. I can not treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the Essential Oil desk Reference.
To order your bottles of NingXia Red,
contact Jennifer Davis, Young Living Independent Distributor, Member # 1119180
320.493.5110 . [email protected] . www.laborforlove.com
To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!