TIP Tuesday!
Featuring JuvaCleanse
on Tuesday 6.17.14
Please send me YOUR tips for the oils I am sharing with you...we learn from each other!
TIP 1: To help you detox heavy metals from your body, especially mercury, read this: Four healthy individuals ages 27-69 took 2 capsules per day (approx. 1,500 mg) of JuvaCleanse EO blend. The first urine collection occurred prior to essential oil therapy, with the second and third urine collections occurring 2 and 4 days after essential oil therapy had begun. The results showed that all 4 participants more than doubled their urinary elimination of mercury over the 4 days of evaluation. - Essential Oils Desk Reference 4th edition pg 322
TIP 2: Apply topically at night over the liver to help it cleanse and stimulate liver cell function while you sleep at night.
TIP 3: The skin is related to the liver, so using JuvaCleanse to help the liver could help your complexion.
TIP 4: If you are faced with Hepatitis C, this is what you want to read: A 2003 study conducted by Roger Lewis, MD at the Young Life Research Clinic in Provo, Utah evaluated the efficacy of helichrysum, ledum and celery seed in treating case of advanced Hepatitis C. In one case, a 20 year old make diagnosed with Hepatitis C had a viral count of 13,2000. After taking two capsules (approx. 750 mg each) of a blend of helichrysum, ledum and celery seed (JuvaCleanseTM) per day for one month with no other intervention, the patient’s viral count dropped more than 80 percent to 2,580.
TIP 5: From the emotional side of things, we store anger and hate in the liver, so while you are working on processing hard emotions such as those, JuvaCleanse might be helpful to you.
BONUS TIP: The oils in JuvaCleanse have been shown to help deal with addictions such as coffee, alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel "hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or coconut oil.
All information for education use only. I can not treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the Essential Oil desk Reference.
PROPERTIES of JuvaCleanse include: Anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-rheumatic.
To order your bottle of JuvaCleanse,
contact Jennifer Davis, Young Living Independent Distributor, Member # 1119180
320.493.5110 . [email protected] . www.laborforlove.com
To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!
Featuring JuvaCleanse
on Tuesday 6.17.14
Please send me YOUR tips for the oils I am sharing with you...we learn from each other!
TIP 1: To help you detox heavy metals from your body, especially mercury, read this: Four healthy individuals ages 27-69 took 2 capsules per day (approx. 1,500 mg) of JuvaCleanse EO blend. The first urine collection occurred prior to essential oil therapy, with the second and third urine collections occurring 2 and 4 days after essential oil therapy had begun. The results showed that all 4 participants more than doubled their urinary elimination of mercury over the 4 days of evaluation. - Essential Oils Desk Reference 4th edition pg 322
TIP 2: Apply topically at night over the liver to help it cleanse and stimulate liver cell function while you sleep at night.
TIP 3: The skin is related to the liver, so using JuvaCleanse to help the liver could help your complexion.
TIP 4: If you are faced with Hepatitis C, this is what you want to read: A 2003 study conducted by Roger Lewis, MD at the Young Life Research Clinic in Provo, Utah evaluated the efficacy of helichrysum, ledum and celery seed in treating case of advanced Hepatitis C. In one case, a 20 year old make diagnosed with Hepatitis C had a viral count of 13,2000. After taking two capsules (approx. 750 mg each) of a blend of helichrysum, ledum and celery seed (JuvaCleanseTM) per day for one month with no other intervention, the patient’s viral count dropped more than 80 percent to 2,580.
TIP 5: From the emotional side of things, we store anger and hate in the liver, so while you are working on processing hard emotions such as those, JuvaCleanse might be helpful to you.
BONUS TIP: The oils in JuvaCleanse have been shown to help deal with addictions such as coffee, alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel "hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or coconut oil.
All information for education use only. I can not treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the Essential Oil desk Reference.
PROPERTIES of JuvaCleanse include: Anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-rheumatic.
To order your bottle of JuvaCleanse,
contact Jennifer Davis, Young Living Independent Distributor, Member # 1119180
320.493.5110 . [email protected] . www.laborforlove.com
To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!