Featuring Stress Away
on Tuesday 8.19.14
TIP 1: This oil is named Stress Away for a reason...its fragrance is one that lifts your stress away from you!
TIP 2: Sometimes we suffer a headache from "plain old stress". Try using Stress Away to ease your headache!
TIP 3: Have you ever tried to sleep when you are stressed...it doesn't work so well, does it? Try rubbing a little Stress Away on, maybe on the bottom of your feet, or on the back of your neck, before your go to sleep and see if your rest is more peaceful!
TIP 4: Stress can manifest itself as a physical pain. Stress Away is designed with the oil copaiba which has been studied to help you cope with pain.
TIP 5: When a person is stressed, their blood pressure often goes up. One of the oils in the Stress Away blend is Ocotea which has been shown to balance a person's blood pressure.
Properties of Stress Away:
* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel "hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or coconut oil.
All information for education use only. I cannot treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the Essential Oil desk Reference.
To order your bottles of Stress Away,
contact Jennifer Davis, Young Living Independent Distributor, Member # 1119180
320.493.5110 . [email protected] . www.laborforlove.com
To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!
Featuring Stress Away
on Tuesday 8.19.14
TIP 1: This oil is named Stress Away for a reason...its fragrance is one that lifts your stress away from you!
TIP 2: Sometimes we suffer a headache from "plain old stress". Try using Stress Away to ease your headache!
TIP 3: Have you ever tried to sleep when you are stressed...it doesn't work so well, does it? Try rubbing a little Stress Away on, maybe on the bottom of your feet, or on the back of your neck, before your go to sleep and see if your rest is more peaceful!
TIP 4: Stress can manifest itself as a physical pain. Stress Away is designed with the oil copaiba which has been studied to help you cope with pain.
TIP 5: When a person is stressed, their blood pressure often goes up. One of the oils in the Stress Away blend is Ocotea which has been shown to balance a person's blood pressure.
Properties of Stress Away:
- Copaiba or Copal Essential Oil (Copaifera reticulata) has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic,
analgesic and antibacterial properties. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory
and helps the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems as well as
muscles and joints.
- Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) has analgesic and anti-spasmodic
properties. It helps relief stress, sore muscles, menstrual cramps and
nervous tension in the body.
- Cedarwood Essential Oil (Cedras atlantica) has anti-infectious, anti-fungal and
sedative properties. It stimulates the pineal gland which releases
melatonin. It is calming and purifying.
- Ocotea Essential Oil (Ocotea quixos) has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and
disinfectant properties. It is calming and purifying. It is used for
inflammation, balancing blood sugar levels, stress related conditions and
it reduces the body’s response to irritation. It is in the cinnamon
- Lime Essential Oil (Citrus
auantiifolia) has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and restorative
properties. It is calming and stimulating and refreshing. Is beneficial
for anxiety, stress, exhaustion and depression.
- Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia) has antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-carcinogenic, anti-infectious and sedative properties. It is calming and comforting. It is used for stress and irritation, and to curb appetite.
* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel "hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or coconut oil.
All information for education use only. I cannot treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the Essential Oil desk Reference.
To order your bottles of Stress Away,
contact Jennifer Davis, Young Living Independent Distributor, Member # 1119180
320.493.5110 . [email protected] . www.laborforlove.com
To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!