No, I’m not talking about the insect “tic”, though maybe next month’s issue I WILL address those tiny nasty beasts. What I am referring to are movements or vocalizations a person makes, usually repetitively and not consciously. It’s pretty safe to suggest that nearly everyone has experienced this to a certain degree as one point in time, but most are simple things that you gain control of fairly quickly.
People of any age can experience a tic, I do some crazy eye squinting when I’m tired and shoulder-neck scrunching when I’m biking, but it’s more common in children and in particular, boys. It is estimated that nearly 25% of all children experience this…so if you have 4 kids like me, and your oldest fights them regularly, you can bet I am praying that 25% holds true and none of the others start on them! ;-)
There are two main types of tics, motor and vocal. The vocal ones are when someone utters a sound repetitively. The motor ones have two levels, simple and complex. Examples of simple motor tics would be blinking rapidly for a moment or two, or twitching your nose or jerking your head. The complex ones are a serious of motions that you repeat in a sequence, like twisting your head to the right, bringing your shoulder to touch your chin and twisting your arm behind you and at the wrist. Complex, right? And one I see fairy regularly with my son =(
One of the places that describes tics, talk about them being, not involuntary, but rather unvoluntary, meaning one can suppress the action for a time, but that will result in a discomfort that will grow until it must be relieved by acting out the tic.
No one really knows what causes tics, but in my mind and my world, I would first look at diet, the vast majority of the food kids eat is crap. Then I would look at mineral deficiency, it has been suggested that a deficiency of magnesium could contribute to this problem. Sleep and stress can be a factor. From our personal experience with our oldest that fights them, this is a child who struggles with going to sleep easily, even when tired. I would of course consider any medications that your child may be on, some doctors feel that the drugs used to deal with ADD and ADHD can cause these tics (there are oils that help kids with ADD/ADHD without those affects, by the way). And of course I believe in chiropractic and making sure the body is properly aligned; when your body is properly aligned, it functions at its best.
I also discovered a few months back, the joy of the Raindrop Technique for tics! I saw a mom share on YouTube a video of her son and the tics he was dealing with…they were quite extreme. She decided to try the raindrop technique on her son and saw dramatic results from them! I decided I would have to try that on my son as well!
I ordered the Raindrop kit in my monthly Essential Rewards and waited “patiently” for it to arrive. It comes with a DVD on how to do the technique so Stephen stayed up with me and watched the video. He was so excited to know that with these oils and this technique his tics would be GONE! Now of course I didn’t promise him any such thing, I just said it was possible this would help him…he didn’t hear that at all, all he heard, and then declared in him mind…WAS HEALING! And I’m telling you…night and day difference after we did it!
The tics have returned…but they took a good 7-9 days before they were noticed to any severity after the first time times…I did the technique on him in the evening before bed for 2 nights in a row. Then several weeks later when the tics were back and bothersome again, we started again. I have decided this will be a weekly therapy for awhile now and hopefully with time, it can be bi-weekly, then monthly and eventually unnecessary. One of the things I LOVE to do with Raindrop is pray while rubbing the oils into him, adding the power of prayer to the healing aspect of the oils! What better way to heal then momma’s hands on you, her voice praying over you and the oils that God SPOKE into existence before He even created man!?
If you want to know more about raindrop, feel free to e-mail me! This July, I will begin training in the Raindrop technique and hope to be able to help others with this technique as well! And if you live in the northern area, my dear friend Ellen will also be training with me and able to help others as well! Drop me a note and I’ll hook you up! =)
People of any age can experience a tic, I do some crazy eye squinting when I’m tired and shoulder-neck scrunching when I’m biking, but it’s more common in children and in particular, boys. It is estimated that nearly 25% of all children experience this…so if you have 4 kids like me, and your oldest fights them regularly, you can bet I am praying that 25% holds true and none of the others start on them! ;-)
There are two main types of tics, motor and vocal. The vocal ones are when someone utters a sound repetitively. The motor ones have two levels, simple and complex. Examples of simple motor tics would be blinking rapidly for a moment or two, or twitching your nose or jerking your head. The complex ones are a serious of motions that you repeat in a sequence, like twisting your head to the right, bringing your shoulder to touch your chin and twisting your arm behind you and at the wrist. Complex, right? And one I see fairy regularly with my son =(
One of the places that describes tics, talk about them being, not involuntary, but rather unvoluntary, meaning one can suppress the action for a time, but that will result in a discomfort that will grow until it must be relieved by acting out the tic.
No one really knows what causes tics, but in my mind and my world, I would first look at diet, the vast majority of the food kids eat is crap. Then I would look at mineral deficiency, it has been suggested that a deficiency of magnesium could contribute to this problem. Sleep and stress can be a factor. From our personal experience with our oldest that fights them, this is a child who struggles with going to sleep easily, even when tired. I would of course consider any medications that your child may be on, some doctors feel that the drugs used to deal with ADD and ADHD can cause these tics (there are oils that help kids with ADD/ADHD without those affects, by the way). And of course I believe in chiropractic and making sure the body is properly aligned; when your body is properly aligned, it functions at its best.
I also discovered a few months back, the joy of the Raindrop Technique for tics! I saw a mom share on YouTube a video of her son and the tics he was dealing with…they were quite extreme. She decided to try the raindrop technique on her son and saw dramatic results from them! I decided I would have to try that on my son as well!
I ordered the Raindrop kit in my monthly Essential Rewards and waited “patiently” for it to arrive. It comes with a DVD on how to do the technique so Stephen stayed up with me and watched the video. He was so excited to know that with these oils and this technique his tics would be GONE! Now of course I didn’t promise him any such thing, I just said it was possible this would help him…he didn’t hear that at all, all he heard, and then declared in him mind…WAS HEALING! And I’m telling you…night and day difference after we did it!
The tics have returned…but they took a good 7-9 days before they were noticed to any severity after the first time times…I did the technique on him in the evening before bed for 2 nights in a row. Then several weeks later when the tics were back and bothersome again, we started again. I have decided this will be a weekly therapy for awhile now and hopefully with time, it can be bi-weekly, then monthly and eventually unnecessary. One of the things I LOVE to do with Raindrop is pray while rubbing the oils into him, adding the power of prayer to the healing aspect of the oils! What better way to heal then momma’s hands on you, her voice praying over you and the oils that God SPOKE into existence before He even created man!?
If you want to know more about raindrop, feel free to e-mail me! This July, I will begin training in the Raindrop technique and hope to be able to help others with this technique as well! And if you live in the northern area, my dear friend Ellen will also be training with me and able to help others as well! Drop me a note and I’ll hook you up! =)