Have you “been there, done that?” with the coughing fits? We all go through seasons with stuff and for us it was our season of coughing with the kids. The big 2 boys got hit really hard near the end of their winter swim season. They were healthy in all ways except that silly cough. The youngest boy was doing OK, but 4 days before his biggest swim meet of the season, he wakes up sounding like a seal barking! OYE! This is where I give serious kudos to their chiropractor (daddy) for keeping their immune system functioning well so that while they were coughing, they didn’t end up with more serious respiratory issues like so many people do.
We had 3 different type of coughs this winter that were “oh so fun”, but we survived and their immune systems are strengthened every time they get a “work out” like that. So often parents (grandparents) will discover their child is sick and feel it is their job to take that sickness away. But the truth is that isn’t your job. Your job is to help them develop their immune system.
So think of it like your muscles when you lift weights…you go to the gym, lift some weights and your muscles get that familiar ache about 24 hours later. The muscles, while you are experiencing that ache, are actually growing and becoming stronger. Your immune system is similar. A “bug” comes in, weakens your immune system, and your body’s nervous system says, “Whoa, no thank you, we didn’t invite you to the party!” and begins to call in the troops to fight that battle. If you interfere with that fight with medications, you are interrupting the body’s work and not allowing the body to develop that healthy response which helps it grow stronger because the next time it comes into contact with that bug, it will recognize it and be able to kick its butt way sooner, faster and more efficiently. Your body was designed to heal its self…and most people have forgotten…or never been told that!
All that to say…cough, cough, cough, hack, hack, hack, bark, bark, bark. What do you do!? Well, of course my number one “to do” would be to get my child adjusted to make sure his or her immune system is functioning at its max so it can do the work needed to fight that cough. Then, because I’m a mom and I don’t like to see my child suffering, I pull out my oils and use THOSE to bring comfort. I use the oils for comfort as opposed to over-the-counter medications because oils have no negative side effects like OTC meds. Even if I pick the wrong oil for my child, it won’t hurt them. I also use oils because many of them will offer comfort while they are uncomfortable.
So I when I was dealing with the coughs with the kids, my oils of choice included:
eucalyptus (any of them): I would rub it on their chest and park them on the couch with the diffuser literally diffusing right in front of them
RC (which has eucalyptus!): this I would add to the diffuser and rub on their chest, this oil is designed to aid with upper respiratory issues…if the cold has hit…this is the one to use!
Thieves: who would fight a cold or flu without thieves?! Not me! So this was added to the diffuser as well and then I would have them put a drop under their tongue and drink some water to wash it down a few times a day.
Thieves hard lozenges: these are our cough drops of choice! What better way to sooth a throat raw from coughing and get your dose of thieves?!
Thieves sanitizing spray: I use this to spray directly onto the back of my sore throat, the clove oil helps numb the pain in my throat to give me temporary relief, while the oils in thieves go to work kicking butt inside my body!
Lavender or Peace and Calming: At night I would rub this on their chest or diffuse it in their bedroom to help relax them so they could sleep better.
Now of course I had one more super important, don’t leave home without it trick. Can you guess what it is? Prayer, of course! My MD of choice is the one who designed the body. I turn to Him to choose my oils and what to add to my children’s health care needs. It is He who directs my hubby and I to how and what to do when our children are not well. It is He who would show us it was time to seek the help of a practitioner in a medical setting and it is He who gives us peace when we don’t and allows us to witness our children healing themselves.
And prayer works with oils as well. Everything with life has a frequency and our body and oils are no different. The higher the frequency, the healthier you are. The lower the frequency the more susceptible you are to illness and death. Oils have a higher frequency than our body, so by using them, we raise our frequency and if our frequency is lower than normal due to an illness, the oils will raise the frequency helping kick the illness easier. The cool thing is, with prayer, it raises the frequency of the oils!! So together, prayer and oils, you can do great things for your body and your children’s bodies!
Now of course I better add a disclaimer…dah dah dah da!! Please use common sense when using oils. Less is better than more. NEVER use a non-Young Living oil internally unless you are 100% certain that it is safe for consumption. Not all oils are created equal. If you put an oil on the skin and it burns, use a vegetable oil to dilute it (it actually just slows the absorption down). My vegetable oil of choice would include YL’s V6, olive oil and coconut oil since I have those last two in my house in abundance! If in doubt about an oil, ask someone who is familiar with YL oils for help! Feel free to drop me a note if you have questions!
To order any of the oils listed above,
contact Jennifer Davis, Young Living Independent Distributor, Member # 1119180
320.493.5110 . [email protected] . www.laborforlove.com
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